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Her Home Run Desires Page 8
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Page 8
“So you from New York, you live here or just visiting?” I found it a little annoying that Anthony didn’t know who the head of his basketball team’s public relations department was.
“All of the above. I never usually watch the games here,” I said and Anthony just nodded his head, but I knew if he was really listening to me he’d ask questions about what I just said in response to his question.
“Yo! Anthony you’re back in!” The coach called his attention back to the game and it was like a switch had been turned. Anthony was all business. Though he flashed me a smile before he took off his track suit and jogged over to the coach. After receiving direction from the coach Anthony fist-bumped the guy he was substituting and then he jumped into the game.
I had to admit, Anthony wasn’t full of shit. He was good. One of the best point guards in the league. He made baskets like it was nothing, second nature. Anthony saw opportunities that no one else did, and he took them and gave others direction on the court. He was constantly shifting the pace and direction of the game, keeping the other team on their toes. They really had no chance while he was on the court. Anthony drove the score from Reds 55, Miami 70, to Reds 80 and Miami 72.
It was the fourth quarter and the game was about over. Anthony’s attention kept shifting from the court to me and the coach kept yelling at him for it. Anthony would send me cocky grins and then he started getting flashy on the court. Shaking off his defenders and dunking the ball or doing alley-oops. After each move he’d look over at me like he knew I didn’t stand a chance. I rolled my eyes and laughed once the game was over. Thankfully Anthony was getting wrapped up with the press and my job was about to get started so I needed to head over to the press conference room.
I was gone before Anthony could come back and ask me my name.
By the time I had finished my two courtside interviews I hurried back to the bench instead of heading to the locker room. The woman who I’d talked to wasn’t there anymore, and she hadn’t forgotten anything in her seat that I could use as a clue.
“Dammit man!” I said and threw my hand towel down on the seat.
“What are you so upset about Ant? We won, remember?” Dawson chuckled as he passed by me to head to the locker room. I put my hands on my hips and sighed. How could she not have wanted to stick around to talk to me? It wasn’t like I was some thirty-six-year-old grocery store manager with a pot belly and thinning hair. I sighed and turned around to walk to the locker room.
The woman was one of the sexiest I had ever seen and that was saying something because I had been around. Her skin was that dark caramel color and her eyes were brown, not too brown that they looked black, but brown to where you knew their color. Her hair was all natural and hung to her back, not to mention when I watched her get up to go get her champagne I noticed she had an amazing body. Big butt and nice hourglass shape. From her V-cut sweater I saw she had nice breasts too.
I got a little hard just thinking about her. I needed to know who she was. Even if I had to pull some secret agent type shit I’d look up her seat number and figure out her name from there. I went into the locker room and did my after-game ritual. Just as I was heading to the press conference I saw her. She was standing just outside the door talking to Jerry of all people. Was she with the press? I jogged over to her and tapped her on the sleeve and looked at her expectantly as her gaze found mine. She registered a bit of surprise and I took her arm gently to pull her away from Jerry.
“Excuse us Jerry, but I need a word with…” I trailed off, because I didn’t know her name, thankfully though Jerry filled me in.
“Miss Lincoln…and that’s fine we were wrapping up anyway, you’re on in five minutes Anthony,” Jerry said as he stepped into the press conference room.
“So I know half your name now. Wanna tell me why you didn’t stick around after the game, Miss Lincoln?” I asked. She rolled her eyes at me. I got a little angry then; it was not like I was trying to get her into bed with me in that same moment. “Look I just want to know your name, what’s so bad about that?”
“You know what Anthony? You should already know my name because I work for the team you play for and have since you were a rookie here. You know your cocky smile and showing off might work for other girls, but not me. I wasn’t impressed, not to mention the fact that when we did talk you paid little to no attention to what I was saying because you’re so damn full of yourself.”
I couldn’t help but grin as she took a breath after her tirade. No woman, other than my baby sister had ever told me off like that before. I respected my little sister because she told it how was. Miss Lincoln had that down and she wasn’t some star struck groupie either. I’d have to work to win her over. Challenge accepted.
“I hear you Miss Lincoln…but can I at least have your name before I go out there to answer questions? I’d love to get to know you better also,” I said and she looked at me as if I had bumped my head or something.
“…it’s Tiffany,” she said eventually and I smiled wide before I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“It’s nice to meet you Tiffany and you’re right about me, but only half right. At least give me a chance,” I said while trying not to appear cocky or too confident. I didn’t know why, but Tiffany was worked way under my skin already.
“Rhodes! You’re up!” I was called over to the press conference, but I stayed where I was until I got an answer from Tiffany.
“Fine, I’ll give you a chance,” Tiffany said before she gave me a minx-like little smile and sauntered off. She didn’t even give me her number! I sighed and then went to go answer questions. I’d just wait then until after everything with the press was said and done and then make sure I got her number. My sister, Lily, wouldn’t mind if I was late for late Christmas dessert at her place.
The press asked all these questions about why I was showing off towards the end of the game and why I was so distracted by the team’s PR director. I mostly shrugged my shoulders, but at the end when one reporter literally asked me to cut the crap I laughed and said, “What can I say, she’s a very beautiful woman,” Of course by then time was up when the reporters had a whole bevy of questions after my comment.
When I left the conference room I searched for Tiffany, but it seemed like I was always a step behind her. I wasn’t going to give up though, because that’s exactly what she’d expect me to do, I was sure of it.
I didn’t see Anthony again all night and I decided that I couldn’t be that intriguing for him to stick around. I knew better than to get involved with a basketball player anyways. Especially one like Anthony Rhodes. I was heading to my car when I spotted him leaning against the driver’s side, just waiting. He looked up when he heard my heels click near him and a slow smile spread across his face.
“Do you normally work this late? They work you too hard in there,” he said and I couldn’t help but laugh, more out of surprise than anything else.
“You actually waited up for me?” I asked. I couldn’t deny that I was a little impressed. Anthony spread his arms and glanced around the mostly empty parking garage.
“There’s no one else to wait up for and no one else I’d rather wait up for. You never gave me your phone number,” Anthony said as he straightened so I could put my stuff into the car.
“You’re a real smooth talker, you know that?” I said and he flashed me a charming smile.
“It’s all a part of the package,” he said and I rolled my eyes. “One day you’ll stop rolling your eyes at me woman,” I lifted an eyebrow at him and he grinned, as if he was an innocent little kid. “Just saying,” he shrugged and then pulled his phone out of his pocket. “So how about that number? I’m asking you so I don’t have to call Jerry to find out second hand.” Anthony kept the same innocent grin on his face while his eyes very obviously roamed the length of my body and back. It didn’t help any that I was wearing a form-fitting red
sweater dress.
“Fine,” I sighed, and took his phone to program my cell number in it. I handed him back the phone and he surprised me, yet again, by bending down to kiss me on the cheek.
“I’ll be giving you a call then. Maybe we can set up dinner soon,” he said. I nodded and then Anthony left with a smile and a wave. I got into my car, took several deep breaths and then headed home for the night. I usually spent every other holiday with my family down in Georgia, but this Christmas was spent with the team in New York.
As soon as I got home my cellphone rang. I had already made all my Christmas calls and it was too late for anyone, other than work maybe, to be calling. I realized then that it must be Anthony calling. I decided to let it go to voice mail.
It did, but then he called back. He tried three more times until I answered in annoyance, “You are persistent aren’t you?”
His voice was soft as he chuckled on the other line.
“With you I have to be, so what do you say? Breakfast tomorrow at St. Patty’s on Park Ave?” I loved St. Patty’s, they had the best omelets in the city.
“Sure…I’ll meet you there,” I said and Anthony sighed on the other line.
“How about I pick you up?” he said. I hesitated for a moment and Anthony chuckled. “I promise if you’re not having fun with me I’ll take you home,”
“Okay then, I guess,” I said and Anthony chuckled again.
“You are maddening woman,” he commented and a slow smile spread across my face.
“Well I can’t help it, it’s in my nature to be coy,” I said and Anthony laughed outright. He had a nice sounding laugh, it was rich and genuine.
“Yeah coy and a tease. But I like chasing after you and tomorrow I promise to give you the real me,” Anthony said.
“I hope you do,” I said.
We ended the call shortly after that and I couldn’t fathom why I had such a goofy grin on my face. It was probably because I was going on a date with a gorgeous, talented, and successful basketball player the next morning.
* * *
The next morning, waiting for Anthony, I was a little nervous. The guys I dated tended to be people outside of my job sphere. Usually they were lawyers, doctors, business men, no artists and certainly not athletes. Especially an athlete who played for the team I worked for.
Anthony texted me when he was downstairs and I went to meet him. Of course he had a driver and a huge Mercedes SUV. But Anthony still got out and held open the door for me to slide in before him.
“I’m glad you said yes to breakfast with me. I thought I’d at least have to convince you a little more,” Anthony said with a smile as he sat down and shut the door. He was wearing a blue turtle neck sweater that hugged his shape and showed off his impressive muscles. He wore jeans and even had a diamond stud in his ear. He rarely wore earrings ever since he had one pulled out while playing a couple seasons back.
“Are you wearing that just for me?” I asked. Anthony smiled almost shyly. I had to say I was a bit surprised.
“Yeah I thought it would help my cause a little bit. I actually like wearing the earring. My father gave it to me right before he died. I had just gotten my ear pierced and my mom had flipped out. After looking all disapproving in front of her, Dad kind of laughed and then took me up to his room. I was only fourteen at the time and knew I was gonna get it. But he pulled out an old jewelry box from under the bed and gave me this earring. Said it was the first real diamond he ever bought and he used to wear it all the time.” Anthony surprised me even further with how truthful and open he was about his past.
He wore a fond smile on his lips and I smiled in return. “That’s why you flipped out when it was torn from your other ear…that’s why you stopped wearing it? Because you didn’t want to lose it?” I asked and Anthony nodded.
“Yeah, I only have a few possessions left of my parents…they died in a house fire, when I was seventeen and my sister fifteen,” Anthony said. His blue eyes became melancholy and I reached over to put my hand on his. He lost the faraway look in his eyes and smiled at me. “I’ve come to terms with it, though. I have fond memories of them and that’s all that counts,” Anthony said. He turned his hand, palm up, and laced his fingers through mine. With that simple gesture I knew I would be a goner for Anthony Rhodes.
Tiffany was wearing the most distracting outfit she could have possibly worn on this date. I had a feeling it was to trip me up a little and I had to admit it was difficult keeping up with conversation while her boobs were outlined so perfectly by the tight blush-colored sweater she wore. Not only that but she had on a pair of dark, close-fitting jeans that made her ass look amazing.
“Anthony?” she called my attention from staring down at her chest and I smirked to cover up my embarrassment. She quirked an eyebrow at me and I shrugged sheepishly.
“I’m sorry, I was distracted by your breasts. Can you repeat that?” I asked. She actually laughed.
“You know what you’ve actually done well throughout the entire morning, so I can cut you a break,” she said, sticking her tongue out at me. I laughed. I signaled for the check.
“So what are we doing next?” I asked her. She gave me a crooked smile.
“Well I don’t know about you, but I have a little bit of work to do…” I gave her a plain stare and she tried not to smile at me. “What?” she said and I sighed.
“Do you? Do you really? We don’t have another game until Wednesday, I’d say you have quite a bit of time off of work,” I said. Tiffany gave me a guilty smile and I leaned forward across the table a bit. “How about we go ice skating?” I suggested. Tiffany gave me a sort of surprised smile.
“You ice skate?” she said with a giggle and I nodded.
“Of course! I grew up with a little sister who wanted to be an ‘ice ballerina’ for about ten years of her life,” I said and Tiffany giggled again.
“Well I actually don’t know how…I’m kind of scared to fall and slice my arm open or something,” she admitted. My jaw dropped and she shrugged a bit self-consciously.
“Well we simply have to fix that then,” I said. The waiter finally brought the check and I put a hundred-dollar bill on the table before I stood and held my hand out to Tiffany. She took it, and then we were out the door. We decided to walk over to Lasker rink in Central Park instead of dealing with traffic to get to Rockefeller Center.
“Anthony just don’t let me fall okay?” Tiffany said as I was tying on her ice skates. She was looking out onto the ice where mostly little kids skated around like pros.
“It’s just about balance, like riding a bike, you’ll get the hang of it once you actually get going,” I said. She looked at me and nodded, though her brown eyes were still unsure. I chuckled and she slapped my shoulder.
“Don’t laugh at me, I haven’t even started wobbling around the rink yet,” she said. Grinning, I shook my head and finished tying her skates.
“You know, for someone who has lived in New York all her life you are really behind the curve. It’s like living in Florida and not knowing how to swim,” I said. Tiffany laughed and I helped her stand up. We hadn’t yet stepped onto the ice and already she was holding onto me with a death grip. “Calm down, we’ll stay by the sides and if you get unsteady just grab for the wall or we’ll both go down,” I said. We stepped towards the entrance of the rink.
“Hey! You’re Anthony Rhodes!” A short little kid with a New York Reds scarf around his neck looked up at me like I was his hero. I smiled down at the boy and gave him a fist bump.
“I am, and what’s your name big man?” I said.
“Jaylen,” said the kid, looking up at me with a dimpled smile.
“It’s nice to meet you Jaylen, I like your scarf, you have very good taste,” I said. He beamed up at me while fingering the ends of the scarf.
“Thank you, you’re awesome by the way,” Jaylen said. Someone hissed his name, so he glanced behind me in the direction
of the voice. It was probably his mom who thought he was talking to a complete stranger.
“It sounds like someone is wanting your attention, I’ll catch you later Jaylen,” I said and gave him another fist bump before he hurried away to his mom. I glanced down at Tiffany who was smiling at me.
“What?” I asked and she shrugged.
“I just didn’t peg you as the kid-friendly type,” she said. I sighed in pretend annoyance.
“You know I’m just tired of you stereotyping me Tiffany, when will it end?” She rolled her eyes and smiled at me as I led her towards the rink entrance. I stepped onto the ice first and then turned to help her step into the rink after me. She wobbled only a little bit and then I steered backwards while holding onto her hands. Hand in hand we started gliding slowly around the rink.
“See, we’re doing good, no one’s falling, it’s fun right?” I said. Tiffany finally glanced up at me from staring at the ice and her skates.
“Yeah…I guess so,” she said and I tried to hide my smile. “You’re laughing at me!” I did laugh then and she pouted adorably.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that…you’re so cute,” I said and she rolled her eyes.
“Call me cute one more time and I’ll step on your toe,” she said.
“Oh really? Go ahead and try,” Tiffany sighed as if I was missing the moon from the stars.
“Of course I meant when I have normal shoes on,” I laughed and nodded my head at her.
“Of course you did, of course you did,” I said and she grinned up at me. The wind caught her hair then and it was like a scene from a movie how it blew away from her face gently and how the sun shone in her eyes at the very same moment, making them twinkle. Yep, I was definitely not letting Tiffany get away from me.
Thankfully I didn’t fall at all while skating with Anthony; he didn’t let me, and I actually had fun with him. He did know how to be charming in a non-cocky manner and he was funny and endearing. I didn’t know why, but I went from finding him to be a cliché to really liking him. Anthony was real under all the glitz of being a basketball star. Not to mention handsome.